I believe that members of an SPLC designated Hate Group are using JCPS school board meetings to spread disinformation and recruit for possible domestic terroristic activities. American Family Association of Kentucky organized an anti-mask protect on August 2, 2022, rife with lies, disinformation, hostilities, aggressions, bullying, ridiculing and harassment. Furthermore, parents have an option to request a mask waiver so demanding they drop the mask mandate is unnecessary as they have options. And because school is compulsory, our at-risk students and staff do not. Our district is mostly non-white, with a high percentage of the population living in poverty. Our board just passed the protocols to “mask while in the red” during the March 3, 2022 Board Meeting, and reconfirmed them during the July 19, 2022 Board Meeting. Less than a month later, following the pressures from those led by Frank Simon, Ruth Ann Shumate Reed, and others with ties to 3 percenters, white nationalists, and “stop the steal” Trump supporters.
Following the Aug 2 event, Board member James Craig posted on Twitter that he was going to call for a motion to reconsider mask mandates in JCPS at the next meeting, even though the August 16, 2022 meeting is a work session, and masks are not on the agenda. This is not the first time they have disrupted meetings. There was the meeting at Central High School on Oct. 5, 2021 where the meeting was shut down less than an hour in, due to security concerns. Also, Ruth Ann Shumate Reed and Cindy Marlow disrupted the work session as people who were there with them held 111% signs in the back.
Jason Nemes was there stoking the crowd of anti-maskers, as was Steve Ullum, candidate for James’ seat. I believe James is changing his posture on the mask position to appease the crowd of terrorists and hang onto his seat. (I ran out of space in the actual form, so I was forced to shorten the message to fit the space. This is dumb and should be looked into.) I believe JCTA’s Brent McKim conspired to conduct a fraudulent survey but I can’t go into more detail because I ran out of room.
I filed an incident report regarding my experiences on Aug 2 with JCPS Security (#2223-31).
Here’s a screenrecording of the submission.